i actually had fun this time
did kayacking fell in the water
trekked held a ripped garbage bag for half of it
tried to pull (my friend did instead)
did flying fox which was fucking AWESOME
there was a solid 15 seconds of airtime before you reach the bottom and going upside down (refer to diagram) is so fun
@StarMoonlight well, i am, so..StarMoonlight
@PhinSilver oofers, idkPhinSilver
@_Disaster_ like, i have shcool, but no real motivation_Disaster_
@PhinSilver right???PhinSilver
@_Disaster_ life is just an endless stretch of nothing at the moment.@StarMoonlight how do you know I'm human?
@RainbowWolfie hello!!
@PhinSilver hello human_Disaster_
@StarMoonlight yes. hello.StarMoonlight
lol, i can see