gay demon boy Ahazu

By bee

sincerely me came on while I was drawing this and I headbanged so hard it smacked my headphones across the screen and chipped some of the headphone off hwjwjhwjhwhjwjh,, --- Ahazu is pretty much defined as "the siezer demon of the night." so he comes out only at night to the human world. He is pure demon too. He pretty much comes to the world and seizes (haha get it) people's souls and "rots them" so they become impure and it pretty much reserves them a spot in hell skadoosh --- alSo how you can tell a pure and impure demon apart (my logic lel) is that pure demons have horns and wings or horns, wings and tails and they have those weird long tongues. They also have like,, shark teeth like things and little spikes on the side of their face. On the other hand, not pure demons have smoller tongues and the average amount of teeth a human would have but sharp. Most impure demons don't have wings but some do. Pure demons usually have darker colors and more warm colors for their eyes and skin while impure have lighter colors and stuff.

  • Published November 11, 2018, 15:38
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in ocs
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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