INTO THE OCEAN!!! (contest in desc)


into the ocean is a new contest i am making! now you guys may be thinking... 'but shouldnt you do a spooky challenge for october?' and to that i reply... THE OCEAN IS SCARY BOY!!!! (or girl) SO IF YALL WANNA BE SCARY NOWS YOUR CHANCE. but it does not need to be scary. in fact, the ocean can be quite peaceful and relaxing. so make whatever your heart desires! rules: art submitted must be made by YOU. @ me to get my attention so i can enter your art-piece into the contest. you cant submit art youve drawn before this contest was made, even if it meets all the other qualifications. you arent allowed to draw already existing characters, so no drawing luca, or anything that is created by someone outside of drawn. thats right, if you want to draw someone elses character, you may. but if you do not ask them for permission, you will instantly be disqualified. no buts about it. obviously, nothing that surpasses the rules of drawn, and lastly... IT MUST MUST MUST BE SOMEWHAT OCEAN THEMED. to dive deeper into your options, heres what is allowed: water beach you dont have to be an aquatic animal, as long as your at the ocean! if you dont have any aquatic ocs already, make one of them an aquatic variant! (like i did) humans are considered animals only in this context because i would like one word to gather all living creatures as a whole. thats the end of all that, now for the prizes and end date. contest ends by november 5th. prizes: i am a poor drawn user, please have mercy. this contest is just for fun. but i will do my best to give you a reward for your efforts... 1st place: i will draw anything that you want me to, (that fits into drawn rules) with the addition of a bronze trophie! 2nd place: plastic trophie, and ill draw you fanart of your choice! 3rd place: platic trophie. keep in mind, the true reward is how cool you look with your underwater art! and if you @ me ill always show up and leave a comment! have an awesome day!

  • Published October 11, 2021, 00:42
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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