

This is by far the most important update.. Yes, I know I have been gone for a bit.. But I managed to get out of the basement. I'm finally free.. But, I don't know where my daughters are. I reported Esmeralda to our local police, near the Cancun's where I live. But ever since the pandemic, everything has been very risky.. And the Protest have been aggressive as well, it has spread all the way from USA to Mexico. I hope everyone is safe, I'm currently living in me and my late wife's older home off the west coast. I'm so glad that I escaped.. Esmeralda does not know where this house is but I'm sure if she tried hard enough she could find it, and I'm concerned about that, just that one thing. If anyone has any questions I am free to answer them with ease.

  • Published June 03, 2020, 00:19
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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