Roxanne Wolf


Drew this a few days ago, and decided to post it on drawn too. Cause why not :D And by that, I meant to say that I post some of my art on my DeviantArt account so y'all can check out bonus art from time to time even though they look crappy :') Also uhh, I recently uploaded a video on youtube for you all FNAF fans :3 Just want to thank all of Drawn and the creator for making this wonderful site so I can make animations and improve my art, I can't find a free (because I'm broke) and easy app for animating so this is my best and greatest option so thank you all SO SO MUCH! Sorry for the lack of posts recently, I keep getting unmotivated or either just can't find the time to post here, but I'll be working on something to post every now and then so I'll be online :3 And...have a cookie 🍪

  • Published July 19, 2022, 00:15
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Art :3
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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