Rinter log #1


Today was as goopy as usual but cooler as I met like 5 guys total today. There was a big dead elephant guy named max who was very polite for being dead and then there was a military boy who taught me how to play pokey... or porker. one of the two. and then there was small pirate and big pirate, small guy's name was the slayer and I don't think in the common language is a real name and the big guy's name was tattark and he was loud. and then there was a fish guy who was crustacious in nature like a long crab. we are now sailing the 31 seas as a "crew" and will arrive at the rockmoss soon. There have been some wacky things that happened on the ship though, tattark threw a guy off a nest. then after that he went looking for booze and he then found the rat room filled with 16 rats and possibly more but he killed them all with his tentacle. and then we told stories about each other and i ate a lot of bananas for the banana juice which i have decided to name potassium. We then headed into our hammocks but i have decided to make the rat room from earlier my room. It has a nice supply of rats in bottles for me to feed on. so i will leave you for the next 20 days journal as we arrive at the rockmoss named mossrock in 20 days and also tod talked to me in my head goop saying to watch out for a clock boy and a grey haired elf or something i dont know. anyways, goodnight. :]

  • Published Published October 25, 2022, 21:27
  • Location in The Swamp
  • Album in The Rinter files
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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