red nose contest thing

By bee

oK this is Ethan and he is a good clumsy bean like you wanted. He likes NASA because astro-nuts. Ethan is a pretty normal bean with a pretty normal childhood. He stayed out of trouble and was never that bad of a kid, just really clumsy. Some people would call him a suck up and shit like that and that made him kinda self conscience but nothing too major. His eyes also got him a bit of attention and people are all like "woa is that your real eye color?" or "what the fuck are you an alien or wearing one contact or something my dudesters?" but eh people don't really give a fuck either way or they do idk you decide maybe,, He usually trips a lot when he walks to skewlio or home since he doesn't bother tying his shoes and asking someone would be, as his friends say, "Pussy shit" and "lame." good bean always says he's fine when he falls and yeah,, lowkey attached to him now hhh --- color pee pee: hair: #382616 skeen: #f2c9a7 jeanz: #4e5a91 sweater: #45edc6 #36d1ad NASA sign: #002aff, #ff0000, #ffffff Shoes: #ff0000

  • Published November 21, 2018, 21:48
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in fanart
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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Dang Bro That's Crazy.
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