making an executive decision here..


I have put a lot of thought into this and... I dont want to have Flare as my main anymore, I want it to be Selena.... that being said I don't want to be known as Flare anymore, I want to be known as Selena I just feel like I shouldn't be Flare anymore, I feel as if I disconnected from her a lot and connected more with Selena, I just feel more comfortable as selena than i do flare.... i also feel like I out grew Flare, she is a great oc, and was my very first one but, I dont I want to be her anymore. I like Selena more is basically what I am saying I even thought about changning my username to Selena's name, just to solidify it but idk, i'll leave that up to you guys or future me, but for now on I want to be Selena not Flare :) should I change my username to Selena?

  • Published November 10, 2020, 23:57
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The Rutiberras
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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