Spring Update


This is a spring update regarding my progress with my big animation for anybody that sort of cares and wants to know how it going. https://paste.pics/da1ee8544f9b2529b87f1bb1ddaaff66 Well, great news, fight scene 1 is officially done! It took a looongggg ass time and it's about 1k frames long, so.. like a minute I think? Anyways, really glad that I finished it because I kinda got sick of it and as I stated before, fight scene 2 will be about half of this, but it's going to take some time till I get to that. Sadly due to exams, homework and animation burnout I haven't touched the project in exactly a month now, but after the exams I will get back to it, refreshed and inspired. The next "chapter of the animation" will be finished pretty fast because of some dialogue and other short action scenes that I'm excited to get to. Not much to report on other then some visual glitches that happen due to the animation beeing so freaking big and heavy. I'm excited to see how far I will come with the animation in the summer, and after the summer update I'm sure that I will be able to also provide a release date for the animation so.. GTA 6, DOOM the Dark Ages, ULTRAKILL full act 3 and UNSTOPPABLE PART 3? It's going to be a heck of a year!

  • Published June 13, 2024, 05:15
  • in The Swamp
  • in Announcements
  • is not continuable by others
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