GUESS WHAT AT TWO AM WE MANAGED TO GET A MINECRAFT MOD TO WORK IDK HOW THEY DID IT AND I DONT CARE IT WORKS. Okay. Yes this is a delayed reaction but it was two AM, i can talk about it now lol. The mods WORKS. I only have Twilight Forest right now, just because its the largest one out of the three I'm after. (Ice and Fire and Dragon Mounts 2 are the other ones I want) I mean, TF *kinda* works? It has an audio issue that can be fixed by holding the "F3" and "T" keys. Its still annoying though lmao. Another thing that bugs me is that it rolled the updates back without my consent (Twilight can only work on 1.12.2 or something like that) 🙃 that means the Aqua Update and Village/Pillage have been deleted haha,,, I LOVE those updates but who cares? At least a mod's working... but i still want the fishies and angry scottish men back sobs anyway I was playing around with the bosses while making sure it works and I never heard the sounds they make before so I was pleasantly surprised.

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