heres a little tidbit


of junk for those doing the funny troll thing [Sorry for making so many posts on this X0]. So if you are struggling on the trolls horn design and or typing quirk, I suggest literally anything! All trolls have had very unique sets of horns, like one has a set of salt shaker shapes, one looks like pine trees, and they can look really cool and creative and not just like stubby things, if you want help for the creativity bit i suggest looking at the trolls from game series hiveswap because those guys have some good horns to go off from. And if you are struggling on the text quirk part, They are funky as shit. Some go from having every word being capitalized in a sentence to having ancient runes instead of some letters to speaking deadass just Japanese to just having some letters or symbol at the start of each message. So I say just go crazy with it because it is a wild scene with the typing quirks the fans have made. And also usually they relate to their personality, personal objects, body, or action they do in some way. An example from homestuck would be Vriska Serket who is a spider like person with 8 pupils in one eye and she replaces B's, and the sound of eight with the number 8 and if she has to extend words to make them sound longer she always uses 8 letters in total and if she uses an Emoticon she makes sure she uses 8 eyes on a smiley face. So they can really be anything so Just go for it Hopefully this helped, and if not, thanks for reading ^^

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