Pricing For Drawn: (ONLY DOING WHAT IS LISTED HERE, DA POINTS ARE WELCOMED) PLEASE DM ME!! (make sure you read threw) Full body, 20 da points (ONLY IN PROCREATE, ONLY DA POINTS) (pop or just head art) Headshot art outline, 10 Koin. Headshot art Color no shade 10 Koin, Headshot art Color with shade 20 Koin. Headshot art Color with shade and background of choosing 30 Koin. Examples of my art can be found here-> https://www.deviantart.com/attacktalecreator/journal/Commissions-Open-800353981 Done -- @Plush https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/8sfpc4 @TheMaineAnimator https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/k9vb4s @Codex https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/v1w92b Working on - @Nightblade Pending - @chiro Next on the list: @BCManimator

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