Since there is a rainbow contest going on ( by @Anadroj-B-J ) I wanted to make my own contest!!

it's the monochromatic contest and here are the rules

1.) only use monochromatic colors in your oc. choose one color and you can use and shade of that color but you are not allowed to use any other color.

2.) draw an original character

3.) this contest ends on March 14th, my birthday

4.) Be respectful and follow Drawn's T&C of course

5.) Only one submission per person

1st place: A gold trophy and i gift you a drawing you commission
2nd place: A silver trophy
3rd place: A plastic trophy
4th and 5th place get to have honorable mentions.

The prizes might change if I get more koin but uh, yeah. Due March 14th, a Tuesday. It's also Pi day that day.

Have fun and comment: "Skidi bi bop" if you've actually read this instead of skimming through

  • Published Published February 20, 2023, 16:58
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Contests
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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