take a moment of your time please.

By val

I can't stand people who talk about mental disorders and use it in every single one of their dramatic breakdowns yelling at the person "targeting" them and saying "I have [[queue random mental disability]] so you can't do that or else i'll inflict self harm!" Someone did this a few days ago to me because I said that their autitude was extremely inappropriate for their age. They then told me and my friends to go kill ourselves because we are nothing but lowlife skunks and this person as well calling me a "suicidal queer". Mind you this person is 17 years old doing this, harassing children online and verbally threatening a few other people who have had past experiences with this person, They still continue to flaunt their disorder like its nothing. They also shamed me for having schizophrenia then they used rape as a joke and then after being called out for it (BY SOMEONE WHO HAS GONE THROUGH RAPE/MOLESTATION) they told her to apologize for it then as they went on flaunting their disorder like its nothing and using it as in excuse for the "go easy on me I have [queue mental disorder]" card. It's annoying and the fact people actually do this on every single platform is a shame and it is only playing your humiliation game and showing how much of a downright heartless person you are and how people see you.

  • Published April 26, 2019, 03:16
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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0lmao transgender ppl..-