im baaaaaaaackk


jk that was clickbait i just wanted to check in, one of my friends recommended doing so. damn i forgot how hard it was to draw on this platform,,, i was TRYING to draw an actual *piece of art* but my computer crashed anywho i see drawn has grown! cool cool, i like all the new features. its nice to see that @ClaytonR remembers me, according to his post about 7 hours ago, im honored you mentioned me there haha. its really impressive what you've done with the website, especially considering what it used to be! ive missed you guys, sadly im not planning on coming back long term, i might check in every once in a while. if u wanna reach out to me check out the stuff below, id absolutely love to chat! (links also in my bio): Discord: kale salad#5343 Insta: @kails_art_bin Youtube (its a work in progress, not the best rn): love you guys! and remember, give yourself a kailey kat, give yourself a break

  • Published Published July 15, 2020, 17:00
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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