Animal jam! (my experience)


Okay, this was years ago when I was in the US- specifically Georgia. I had a great house that I could run in forever! but that wasn't the only thing, we had this one computer in a "play room" that we called the sun room because the top have of the room were windows and the room was huge. anyway, we had a computer in that room that is was a few years old. My grandmother wanted to show me a game for some reason and she introduced me: Animal jam! My childhood game. The thing was with this is my sister couldn't play since she was 4-5 years old at the time and I was near 7-8. I had a tv too and thats probably why my sister didn't care that much that I got to play on a pc and she couldn't. I also remember my cousin visiting too with the mobile version. I found it interesting. (AJ play wild) It was much different and the models were smoother than the ones on my computer. I always asked if I could use it and i would let her play on this pink camera I had. (Very cringy things in there lol) She seemed to love to record videos and make up stories while recording and she didn't seem shy about it at all, and im glad she had fun! My cousin did have these small animal jam figures of the pets you can get and when she had to go back, she forgot about them and I had them at home and I still managed to keep one till this day.

Animal jam was quite different back then because there were a lot more people online, I always went to parties hosted by people and saw others try and hog the dj booth. it was actual chaos lol- I had one specific friend that had a username called something like wateverdog. We were best friends! Until the incident happened..

You see, I was OBSESSED with getting membership, diamonds, and all that other stuff you would imagine. Once I got back from school, I instantly went over to my pc and started playing, once I was done i was exiting out just to see my membership was ending in a few days. I was desperate to get it back and I didn't want to bother my mother again and again so- I decided to buy it myself. Now for the next part, I cant remember which one I did so I will tell both:
Either I reset my mothers password to something like 123 and used it to buy the membership or I used her credit card.

After that happened, ofc my mother found out and literally made me stop playing aj for YEARS. literal years. I tried to ask my parents if I could get roblox but that was a definite no. (Aka she was worried I would give away our address or something like that. I was a dumb kid in her eyes)

Anyway, after all of that we moved to canada after a few years and my mother said she might let me get aj once more. time skip: I got it and got 100 friends lol.

Thats where I met Bold77, we were connected and acted as if we were sisters from the day we met. I was known as fierce(name) because of the first name of my wolf thingy- hard to explain. We were greely's daughters. (If you dont know greely is one of aj's mascots) It was fun for a while until bold got connected to roblox as I wasnt allowed to play it. We drifted apart after a while and now she never comes online. Aj is dropping down rapidly though so I cant blame her, I still have one of my friends, catandwolf. She logs on everyday. and its fun just seeing her since we have known each other for quite a while now and it seems like we were the only survivors of our pack. (A pack is like a group there were others but idk them but they never come online- its an actual thing in aj tho.)

Maybe I will tell stories about the pink cameras next.. Hm.

  • Published Published February 24, 2022, 22:15
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Stories
  • is not continuable by others
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