im like failing classes so imma disappear slightly and maybe post less bc of missing hws
You can embed your animation right in your website! Just copy the code below and paste it where you want the animation to appear:
@Monocoven @TheMaineAnimator @Lopfi @drumcat @Bionicle.exe @freezing-Amber lmaoSimblime
@TheMaineAnimator fr it's cool frfrfrLopfi
The sun ate his gunTheMaineAnimator
i got chillsMonocoven
Man looks sleep deprived LOL but ayo we got LOREFreezingFlames pew pewdrumcat
the sun shot backBionicle.exe
oh lord he deadGreenHoodiedAnimator
@Dominator_virus aightDominator_virus
@GreenHoodiedAnimator k, dms.GreenHoodiedAnimator
@Dominator_virus also yeah show me(pretty please)
@Dominator_virus lmao creepy thing go brrrrrSimblime
@Dominator_virus lolDominator_virus
this wouldve worked for my monocoven contest entry wth can i steal? (jk its not allowed) if u wanna know my thing i can show uSimblime
@GreenHoodiedAnimator ywGreenHoodiedAnimator
@Simblime lol thxSimblime
i scurdlmao jk but rlly cool
@GreenHoodiedAnimator that doesn't look like Juno ToTGreenHoodiedAnimator
@Simblime alternate universe immortal junohe cant die lmao
who is this man anywaysSimblime
holy shit that's awesomeactually freaky. LORE?!?!