lesbo for lemon

By bee

becAUSE sHE nEEDS thAT oNE fREN whO kiLLS herSELF so hEre--- -- ahh trying to make a side character more or less,, she's a hella important role in her life but yeah she still needs a kinda sorta less noticeable appearance,, (i say as I give her the biggest hair in existence) --- ok some backstory to this bean because I need one. No childhood shit because yeah. She's hella proud to be a lesbo. She balances out Lemon's sweetness with fucking dirtiness and perverted comebacks. Hella flirty towards lemon. Looks like she could kill you but is actually a cinnamon bun. Gets embarrassed af when lemon mentions her liking her because hwjhhjwjwwj. Loves that aesthetic of overalls and yellow crop tops and daisy flower crowns because that's fucking adorable and lemon can like,, totally rock that. She also likes the coral color and jewelry because owow. She works at some stupid Walmart or something and met Lemon from there from recognizing her from one of her stupid video youtewb things and they just became frens and shit wow. oh yeah she also hangs herself because lemon don't lesbo which makes lemon feel guilty and like shit so she immerses herself into LGBTQ+ community and becomes a pan gorl.

  • Published December 13, 2018, 23:01
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in ocs
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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