can a moderator PLEASE put this in some- place besides the kiddie pool? id appreciate my first shot at leaving the kiddie pool. 1st one is RAXEL! hes a variation of my new character, rexel! (i got him from mono) regular rexel is just a cool and overall chill dino. but RAXEL is rather...opposite. more badass and fierce. Rexel and RAXEL swap places depending on my mood. the second one is proto-pulse! (pulse as a protogen) because honestly he looks epic. 3rd is Xeno and Xena! Xeno is meant to be the exact opposite of me. so, he is homosexual, likes beets, and is a soccer and lacrosse expert. he is meant to be half spartain, half ninja. Xena is just his twin sister. i dont have a twin sister so- thats why shes there. (there may be more of these coming in the future! so stay aware!) pls love it i need koins lol. i worked my butt off. 7 hours work.

  • Published October 26, 2021, 23:16
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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