Story time! (1)


OKAY OKAY so im playin roblox right? I was playing this game, big paintball or whatever. Basically a first person shooter game, and decent for roblox. So im playing and i click chat and this GUY named clockyyy is really awefully smack talking this other girl bunnysforlife. So im just reading, not gonna get involved or nothin, and then he starts making fun of girls and bein like “LOL can you imagin being girl in shooter game LOLOL” (taken straight from the chat) and i was like alr this dudes gettin on my nerves, lets go shoot the shit out of him. So we finish the round, and we move on to the next game, and he’s on my team. Bunny is on the other team so hes still shit talking her, so i chime in and start shit talking him (i know, real mature fender, bullying kids online. But hey you would do the same). So basically now me and bunny are making fun of him and hes throwing aweful insults at us. His favorite were calling us poor and robuxless, and calling us noobs even tho we both had more kills than him. Still picking on girls so im still hurling my insanely good insults at him. Somewhere during that bunny friended me and now we make fun of people i suppose. ANYWAY point of the storytime is this: Okay so my roblox user is scootercornia11 (friend me if u want but lemme know so i no reject u uwuu) and i made that name based on a nickname my dad gave me, which is actually also the name for a second account of mine. ANYWAYS SO THIS GUY CLOCKY RIGHT,, he throws one good thing the whole night and it made me laugh so fuckin hard- He said i was the cause of the corona virus, and then he called me scooter corona LIKE OHMYGOD THATS GENIUS I DIDNT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT AND THIS TOTAL DOOF JUST COMES UP WITH IT??? LIKE WHAT??? i aint saying i think its funny hes sayin shit about the virus, cuz its serious and shouldnt really be joked about But DAMN its like an omen or some shit Anyways, this is probably the start in a long string of storytimes, hope you enjoyed ^^

  • Published April 26, 2020, 21:57
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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