Prologue:Family of Six To Three[A1]


The loud stamp of boots from the streets is what first woke the youngest sibling, long platinum-gold locks clung to his forehead as he heard his brothers shuffling about the room. ``We need to get out of here.`` One of them spoke, he recognized Fredrick's calm and stern voice ringing through the room, his sensitive ears were being clouded with the march of the German army. ``But how? We were sentenced to be put in the army you know.`` His other brother, Alarik spoke up, he usually was never chilled to the bone, but Geron heard it, his brother was scared.. But Fredrick, no, the eldest never trembled for anything. Not even if a gun pointed at his forehead, he knew his brother would simply say, ' Go ahead and pull the trigger'...``You three!`` Geron heard his father's call as he flinched at the harsh tone.. `` Come here!`` his father shrieked as the two eldest moved out then looked back at Geron who glanced up to them. They knew, and he knew as well. He wasn't truly part of this family, his parents were murdered and he remembered all of it. The shrieking of his 'father''s voice had obviously startled him. Yet Geron was only 17, barely at the reaching of the age 18, and how sorrowful they felt for him, Geron sensed their pity, in his own soft cyan blue eyes. He did not care what they thought, he didn't need to be treated like a newborn child so he walked ahead of them. No matter how terrified he felt of his adoptive father. `` Well, go on! Join the lot of kids marching behind there. Get your right clothes on.`` Their father rumbled as Geron only did as he was told his brothers hesitant yet slowly set on their trainee uniforms and marched out with the crowd and Geron stood right beside them. He cared nothing if he was treated as a small worm, he will he serve his part... ________________-- [The rest is in the Comments! Also [A1] Is Gerons rank. Every chapter it might change!]

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