

Did you let him see your freckles? Why did you let him touch your smooth skin? Why did you let him see, when you knew it wasn't what you wanted, what you needed? Now he goes around talking about it like he stole your virginity when he really just got shot down. You're supposed to be mine, at least that's what my heart says. But you don't know I like you, the way you smile, the way your red curls glint in the sun like treasures. The way your eyes sparkle when you laugh or the way you dance when you think no one is watching. I like those things about you, your brain, your interests, your heart, when all he sees is a girl whose heart he hasn't broken yet. You need me, but you can't see. And that's okay. I'll wait until you do. I'll wait for you, my red haired vixen, I'll wait.

  • Published April 17, 2019, 21:23
  • in Anonymous
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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