The TDFC Cover Minigame will give you rewards, or.. bad rewards! if you get cover points, dont forget to type them into the score bar.
(the * symbol means "scroll down to see what this means")
Cover Points - What they do ⭐*
Cover points can be converted into TDFC points. you can learn what TDFC points give you in the next post, coming soon! just ask me to convert them into TDFC points.
How to play ⭐ *
(Continue this animation first!)
Scroll over to the layers, and drag the drawing. Something will be uncovered! It can be bad or good. Most of these are good, but if you uncover a bad one...
if you uncover something good, you get 5 cover points. if you uncover a lot of good things in 1 row then you get 10 cover points. If you uncover "100+ cover points" an additional 10 cover point will be added to your score.
Please make sure to write your cover points in the score bar.
What if I uncover good luck?
If you uncover good luck, the next 5 good things you uncover will give you an additional 7 points.
What if I uncover bad luck?
If you uncover bad luck, the next 5 good things you uncover will decrease your cover points by 1.
* the star icon means that this is probably what you want to read.