The tribute chapter 23. Glow

By X

Gracie stood still as the door behind her was closed. The shadowy figure was too in the dark, but her reflexes were kicking in. She wanted to run. When a Pink-ish purple-ish light flickered on at the other end of the tunnel, Gracie ran. Her hair piece fell out, and the lantern that had been flickering on and off let out one final sputter of light before going dark in the wind. The long tunnel gave out into an open cavern, with columns on either side. SHe picked one and ran behind it, holding the lantern handle tightly while she tried to slow her panting breath. Gracie heard footsteps behind her. SHe poked her head around, wary of the fact her horns were higher than her head. The figure was stopping and looking behind each column. Gracie gulped. She knew it was looking for her. Gracie felt the fear bubbling up inside of her. SHe knew she had to run, bt where? The door was locked the way she came, the figure would see her if she attacked, and she had no idea where the other end of the tunnel went. Her eyes lit up slightly, and her head went dizzy for a second. No! She thought. Gracie had been trained to control herself. After a minute of deep breathes, she turned her attention back to her predicament. The shadowy figure was gone. "Boo." Gracie whipped around in time to see a wooden staff being brought down on her face. Then it was dark.

  • Published November 28, 2019, 20:16
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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