life falling apart


- science project overdue almost a week - french + math test coming in 1 day - full day of classes tmr and tmr's tmr - mom is angry - currently, 1 am - lied to a teacher, have to see him tmr - brain is dead - want to sleep - still haven't started science project - animating this shit - fuck me - fuck me - fuck me - fuck me? - wanna die - wanna shower - wanna sleep for a whole day - have to wake up at 6am tmr to take out trash - if I dont mom might scream because garbage truck comes 1 per week - uh - lonely - dead inside - stressed out - so much anxiety - afraid of trying new things - *sleeps during class* - super unlucky - too tired - mom is angry - uh - i. :(

  • Published January 22, 2020, 03:07
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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