The Letter [ARG] πŸ’Œ


HEY there guys! What's this funny little post you ask? Oh- it's nothing... just maybe possibly the first part of an ARG I'm making >:3 Yuh that's right an ARG, I wanted to make one cus one their cool AF and two because why not give out some more lore about my characters from Lacoona, but in a fun way! So yee read below for some info you may wanna know If you want to participate in the ARG! :D What is an ARG?: ARG stands for an Alternate Reality Game. It is an interactive narrative that uses the real world as a platform and employs storytelling and puzzles to deliver a certain part of a story. So basically, it's a fun puzzle-type user interactive game, where you figure out different puzzles in order to find out more about the story! This post is the first part of my ARG, meaning the "puzzle" shouldn't be too hard to figure out for this one, but we'll see about any future ones! Hints!: - Look around the image, see if you can find anything out of place or something that could lead you to a clue! (You may need to zoom in πŸ‘€) - This part of the ARG Involves decoding a cipher! :) (You may use anything at your convenience to figure it out) If you need some extra help or hints, to figure out this part DM me and I'll help you out if you'd like! Oh! And you can ask for help from others in the comments if you'd like! But please don’t give away the whole thing and ruin the fun for others lol :3 (The end result for this part should lead you to uncover a bit of lore. You'll have to wait for the next part in order to uncover more! Tell me if you figure this one out! :o)

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