that human bodies and proportions suck so i am now a leaf and she is now an inchworm fender's quote-fr bitch i just wanna be a lEaF x's quote-inch inch binch
You can embed your animation right in your website! Just copy the code below and paste it where you want the animation to appear:
@Stanced whatStanced
@GreenHoodiedAnimator XDwhat was it??
@Stanced NOOOOOOOStanced
@GreenHoodiedAnimator blockedGreenHoodiedAnimator
@Stanced media.tenor.comStanced
I hate oxegondrumcat
@GreenHoodiedAnimator yumGreenHoodiedAnimator
@drumcat caron docsiededrumcat
@GreenHoodiedAnimator carbon dioxideGreenHoodiedAnimator
@drumcat *breathes air instead of oxygene*drumcat
@TheMaineAnimator scew oxegonTheMaineAnimator
i dont need oxogenGreenHoodiedAnimator
@Kakashi22 lol thanksKakashi22
My guy that look good tho