Another night of no sleep


What is even happening to my neck? it hurts. I keep pulling the muscles at night and it's keeping me awake. I only got 2 hours of sleep wow
Hfhfygtbgfgffgd I'm worried if something else will happen, since the pain in my neck and throat have been getting worse gufyhrbfd
And I've been getting more and more sick recently. I haven't even got my flu shot yet because, well, I havent had time to! Plus the weather keeps changing. Hot cold, hot cold, hot cold. It's crazy.
I can't even rest because I have some work to do later today.
And I'm extremely cold for some reason, too. I can't keep my eyes open FHFGYTGFDHGDGD
So uh, hope you people are doing better than I am.

  • Published Published November 19, 2018, 09:56
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Shidposts
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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