CHapter THirteen:Ina


She hadn't meant to do it. She had just been looking for her sibling. But then she had seen the moon. She was on the pier, and she decided to sit on the edge. She was staring down at her thighs and berating them when she suddenly lurched forward. She didn't mean to, but maybe she did. She fell into the water and didn't try to get back out. She had conveniently forgotten the fact that she was half mermaid though. Her gills opened and she could see. She swam farther, not wanting to have to look for her sibling anymore. They were always doing something else anyway. Ina swam farther into the ocean and then she saw another girl. The girl had coral colored skin and pale pink tattoos on her arms and face. She was staring at Ina as her hair floated all around her. "Who are you?" the girl asked, bubbles erupting from her mouth "I'm Ina. who are you?" asked Ina "I am Pearl, apprentice to the high priestess," said The other girl "But what are you? How do you breathe underwater when you look like a surface dweller." "I'm a half mermaid. My father is a siren," said Ina "Ew. Siren blood," said Pearl, sneering, sharp teeth at her lips. "What's wrong with siren blood?" asked Ina, crossing her arms "Sirens are unpure mermaids. Too much human, not enough fish," said Pearl "Well, I'm barely any human. My mom's half nymph and half pixie," said Ina "Wait really?" Pearl's sneer changed into a wide-eyed look, her face slightly softening. "Yeah. but I have to go," said Ina "No," said Pearl. Pale pink strands came out from her fingertips and wrapped around Ina, "You're coming with me," "Wha-" started Ina, but her mouth was already covered by the strands.

  • Published March 16, 2020, 20:48
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Gefigem
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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