The Merciless Sun God who stares down upon park goers with his ambivalent, and yet analyzing gaze. Just as humans act around apes, so does the Sun god act around mortals. His expressionless features convey a great understanding and wisdom that our mortal minds can not even hope to understand. It is said that if you gaze into the yawning abyss for long enough, you may return with an inkling of his vast knowledge.
of the foolishRenuiki_Ohokuv
The Merciless Sun God who stares down upon park goers with his ambivalent, and yet analyzing gaze.Just as humans act around apes, so does the Sun god act around mortals.
His expressionless features convey a great understanding and wisdom that our mortal minds can not even hope to understand.
It is said that if you gaze into the yawning abyss for long enough, you may return with an inkling of his vast knowledge.
This...*sniff*'s BEAUTIFULlittle-fish
anime adaptation of Teletubbies sunThuprilz
ok but this is actually a really good drawing whATAwkward__Artist
@HyperSnivy I don't think I'll be able to fit his thighs on screen.Hyper
now we need some dasani water and it will be perfectedAwkward__Artist
@sadason Great, now I can't help but think of that when I see this.(Spelling error.)
Lisa Simpson 2.0Nightblade
@Awkward__Artist Yes. I am idiotAwkward__Artist
@TheNightblade youjustfiguredthatout?Awkward__Artist
@R0seKen wsedrftgyhnjmk,thank youNightblade
@Awkward__Artist I just realilized this was a joke from call me carson,Roseken
I've never been so blessed by a beautiful sightAwkward__Artist
@TheNightblade You're welcome, my child.Nightblade
@Awkward__Artist Thank you for sending me to heavenAwkward__Artist
@TheNightblade Look up the merciless sun god in Google images.Nightblade
@Awkward__Artist OH N O. and the first thing I thought when I saw this was the sun from Super Mario bros. 3Awkward__Artist
@TheNightblade Good.Nightblade
I have SEVERAL questions.