All the entries were really good! im surprised so many ppl joined my contest -w- anyways heres the winners
1st place @Awkward__Artist , beautifuly done and realistic
2d place @XEclipse , also beautifully done and uniqe with nice colors
3d place @ClaytonR The animation you made was really good!
4th place @ClamnClavin we also liked the animation and colors you used
5th place @FenderBender I felt like yours was relatable for me and it may be a bit gory but thats kinda the point uwu
Like i said, everyone did amazing so even if your not on the top 5 doesnt mean your not a good artist >:O
special mentions
@-AshFlame- , yours was amazing :O i liked the background. me and twiilight just didnt feel like it showed any fear to support the phobia theme
@BCManimator yours was also really good! it was close to 5th place right behinf fenderbender, but it was nicely done uwu
@roosalife me and twiilight just really liked yours lma0
@Twiilight helped me judge and pick the winners :O
she is going to give out feedback to anyone who wants feedback on their entry
Ty all for participating!!!! OWO
@XEclipse Lolololol Ok then >:)XEclipse
I was the taking creature that takes things let it be known that I am the taking creature :>sonia
@Kailey_Kat Lol thank you owowowoKailey_Kat
@Small_Radishes woah noice story linesonia
@Big-Fish Thank you uwuwusonia
@Kailey_Kat Lol i dunno it was some idea i had.this kid gets taken by these creatures, and then when she grows up she has to teach her kids how to escape from them
Good animate there!!Kailey_Kat
woah this is cool!!!but wait whats happening here?!? its so... suspenseful aaaaaa