Hey hi welcome to a PSA of a user that goes by noobyfguyguy (Not using their @ because no) in the short sense, they are gross. Heres a list of some things they've done/called out for on FlipAnim (TW for s/xual things, s/lf h/rm, etc.) -S/xualize underage users -S/xualize the trans community -Date a 10yr (At the time of writing this they are 13, the age they were when dating the 10yr) -S/xual harass other users -Has had very, and I mean, very bad takes such as "S/lF h/RmInG iS eDgY aF!!! sToP iT!!" -And other unsavory things I warn you, please stay away from them, do not harass them, etc. Message me if you want any more details, just trying to warn ya'll

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