I Can't Do it..


Yeah, this is gonna' be the first time I'll ever post vent. Expect some rough typing, since let's be realistic, I probably seem like a happy person right? It's just a facade. Here's why... It's close to the school year, and I can't get this feeling of true fear and anxiety out of my mind. It hacks and slashes away at my sanity like an ax, I hate it more than anything, but I'm scared for a reason now. I've never been to a public school until this Spring, now, I have to be on the watch for those monsters. Those children, it's the constant feeling of being judged and watched that bothers me, but I can't do any better than any other person. I feel like I'm a failure like I'm the worst of my entire grade. I suck at math, I can't even write a good paragraph for literacy, and I feel like a try-hard in science. I'm a waste of a student, a useless sack of flesh with no personality underneath. There's no shiny core with real emotions, there's only an empty husk with a mask that smiles, but with a face under that cries. I know I'm going to break and that I can't fix it this time. This school year is going to burn me... But hey! Who am I to say anything about my life when it's just a burden to live it?

  • Published August 12, 2019, 16:03
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Vents
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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