Tribute chapter 11.

By X

Darling had been acting up all afternoon. He had gone to scavenge for plants, and had come back empty handed. He never comes back empty handed. He could take a walk through the desert and come out holding six different specimens. But this time, he was empty handed. His posture had become straight as an arrow, more plant than human. His eyes were dull, and his voice was monotone, when he talked. He only answered questions, and they were only one word answers. The boys knew something was up. When they had found a clearing to settle down in, and chase the shadows away with a fire, they were still taut and wound up. They knew something was wrong with Darling. He kept his eyes hidden, always under the mop of blonde hair, either covering or shading his eyes. With the bright contrast of the fire against the shadows over his face, he looked almost demonic. Isle tried to spark up conversation, but it died out quickly, and the boys just sat in silence for the rest of the night.

  • Published November 14, 2019, 11:58
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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