

So, it's been almost a year sinc I came out as Genderfluid/Genderqueer/Nonbinary. It's been a weird time. The first thing I was out as was Genderfluid, which i kinda still identify with. Then Genderqueer?nonbinary, cause i didn't want to bother about people changing pronuons. I also identified as Demigirl for like, a week or two. Not mnay people have kept up with my pronouns. So, I am going to state what they are: Here on drawn, I am going to only use they/them pronouns. In real life, I am going to have some sort of system that identifies my pronouns for the day. Probably similr to the ring one i had in January/February. but i don't know yet. I will make a seperate post for that. If you have anyother questions, feel free to ask me.

  • Published Published December 13, 2019, 05:13
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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