Is anyone else addicted to these? (is what it actually looks like. I drew the one with the haunted house on it.) So I think we can all remember the good old Halloween pretzels that we all got when we went trick or treating. Well, I usually get like 1-2 bags each year. BUT this year I got 4 bags. So like, every time I crave them good pretzels, I can just eat them. Now you might be wondering: "Why are they so good?" Well, the pretzels are very burnt and I LOVE the taste of burnt stuff. Also, they have barely any salt on them and if they do, the salt doesn't have a taste. FINALLY, they are fun-shaped. BE HAPPY IF YA HAVE THEM!! COMMENT IF YOU DO!! News flash: I went to church Sunday and got 7 more bags of them :)

  • Published November 07, 2019, 17:52
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Crap
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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