Next Major Drawn Update Sneak Peek!


Hello my fellow fishies! I realize I've been pretty quiet over the last month or so with no real updates. That's because I've been working on some major updates to the editor. The biggest change will be the ability to create 'linked' drawings within an animation. Linked drawings are like copy & paste, except you create a pointer to the original drawing, which means that you can edit the original and all links throughout the animation are immediately updated. Now that's a pretty good improvement and it certainly reduces the size of the animation overall (because we're not dealing with exact copies of the same drawing data repeated over and over), but I then realized that since you can expand a drawing to span several frames I could then build in a proper tweening system, where you specify keyframes for things like location (translation), size (scaling), rotation, and opacity and Drawn will figure out all the values between the keyframes and animate for you! Initially I figured this would be a major game changer for Drawn. That was, until this morning when I realized that these linked drawings, with a minor tweak, could essentially be used to create reusable looping sub-animations within an animation!!!! The idea is as follows: Suppose you draw something in a drawing that is only 1 frame long, like a heart. On a new layer, you then create a link to the original heart and stretch it out across, say, 13 frames. Then at various points along that drawing you specify scale changes so that the heart appears to do one beat. The cool thing comes when you create another layer and create a link to the linked drawing that has the beat animation. You can now stretch that drawing out as far as you want and the 13 frame animation will loop within the duration of the link that's pointing to it. Plus, you can still do all the same scale/rotate/translate/opacity transformations on the link!!! I'm sure this all sounds confusing, so I made a very brief video kind of showing you the heart thing and how it will work in the next update. You'll undoubtedly notice a few other differences in the editor that are coming as well. Enjoy this special sneak preview of the next version of Drawn! NOTE: My updates are not done yet and there will still be visual changes before it's released. #updates #sneakpeek #drawn #links #cheatingatdrawing

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