so, testing this new swamp thing


my friend... makes... how should i put this... awful oc's and im pretty sure I've ranted about this before here, but idk its getting on my nerves.
all of her oc's are literally the same person... like, they all have the same personality, some super human power or curse or something, they are all like, loners or rejects... i don't get it. why are they all the same? all of my oc's are different in their own ways, i may have two tsundere oc's but they are both different. i even have an insane oc, a ninja oc. many different oc's. my friend on the other hand is like "copy paste copy paste" and that's annoying.
and in her oc's relationships, her oc is always hiding something from their significant other, like, you can't have a healthy relationship built on lies...
very very annoyed but too much of a good friend to tell her.
AND i have another complaint about her oc's color palets. it looks like a trash can, i mean, she chooses so many colors that don't even go together, my eyes want to drink bleach. Red and green, green and orange, green and pink. lot of green. idk why. but ew it gross.

ok frend if you see this, im sorry, but its true. fix your oc's

  • Published Published September 17, 2020, 10:36
  • Location in The Swamp
  • Album in Storytime!!
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 7

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@PiperTheArtsyFox :'0 oh my god thank you!!


ok ive seen my top four fav fandoms except one you're my faovirte person now




bro what the frick your style is probably the cutest i've seen in so long. i love the shading hh ;;


was this requested by @X ? lol