bowls of colorful magic fire


I don't know what each color represents what type of magic. so, I'm going to try to figure it out by saying feelings/items/things i think about for that color. I might need help figuring it out though. ____________________ Red: passion, firetruck, love, poppy, cherry, blood, hate, balloons, carpet, danger, stop, lipstick, apples, roses, artificial cherry flavouring, dye, cardinals, church, strawberries, assassin beetles, fire ants, wine, ___________________________ Orange: campfire, home, pumpkin, Halloween, tic tacs, oranges, monarch butterflies, skin, power, cheetos, pie, thanksgiving, fall, crab, marigolds, blanket flowers, tennesee, anger, sun, artificial cheese, _______________________________ Yellow: sunlight, daffodil, sunflowers, lemon, dandelions, parakeets, buttercream, cake, corn, buttercups, bees, gold, jewelry, banananananas, the Simpsons, summer, emojis, wasps, happiness, bright, neon, highlighter, ________________________________ Green;: grass, plants, trees, disgust, algae, spring, trees, toxic waste, unripe, swmps, shrek, neon, apples, frogs, go, slytherin, jade, emerald, limes, poison, mountaiun dew, sprite, luck, envy, ________________________________ Cyan: sky, pool, masks, jeans, denim, mist, cotton candy, airplanes, flight, bluebells, serenity, washing things, soap, ________________________________ navy: night sky, denim, blue raspberry _________________________________ purple: hair, violets, amethyst, grape flavouring, _______________________________ pink: cotton candy,flesh, lipgloss, carnations, bubble gum,

  • Published May 24, 2022, 08:12
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Gefigem
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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