Misty Hair


I worked a long time on this lel ;v; I hope u guys like

yayy I finally posted real art again after like... forever

Umm I kinda want these guys to be like a new species of people, maybe, and they're magic users or something and their human features are kinda altered by their personality and magic type or something. Dunno, just an idea.

But yeah this took a pretty long time XD maybe like 3 hours?

Edit (like 3 months later): Shit I didn't think this would get so many loves lmao. It got more than my Night Hunter drawing and my Watchin U drawing qwq I dunno what I did here for it to be so loved,,

  • Published Published February 12, 2020, 20:02
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in 01) ⭐
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 3

You gotta have an account (and be logged in) to add comments. I know: bummer, right?


@Lazarinne Thank you! And yes you can! (⌒▽⌒)


@Lopfi ✧◝(⁰o▿⁰o)◜✧ I'm glad you like it! I may actually draw these guys again at some point, I've grown fond of them. Is that okay? Obviously I'll link to you each time but if that's not okay that's fine too! It is your character really, after all.


I love it! And yes He is Male! Sorry about the confusion!