Pytho the angory boye

By bee

Pytho is not a pure demon and he was one of Ahazu's first victims. Ahazu likes to hang around him and remind him about how pure his soul was before he fucked him up and he died later on. It makes Pytho tired and agitated. He doesn't mind Ahazu's company, though since he doesn't like talking to Devin much since he's pretty childish. Pytho is 24 and how he died was fire arm suicide. He killed himself 3 years after Ahazu impurified his soul and it stuck with him for those years. After a year of attempting to keep it in the back of his mind and imagining it as a dream, he started to kind of investigate the situation and he came to the conclusion if the demon came in contact with him or something it must mean he'll become a demon or something. He didn't know if it was true so he shot himself. It was close enough hjwjhwhjwhjhjwhjw

  • Published Published November 11, 2018, 16:20
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in ocs
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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