Drawn ID


Okay so first things first.
1. My Name is not Beatrix (But people call me Bea/Beatrix/B)
2. Yes I'm female
3. I'm not really 17. I'm actually 14 years old (Beatrix is 17)
4. I'm a human lol
5. Meaning that I use Beatrix symbolizing as me.

--- About the background ----
I like using background as star themed wallpapers because it's calming to see and draw. As for the gradients _(_._.)_ Idk i was like "HHHHMMMMMMMMMMM i hAVe tIME So WHy nOt AdD SoME GrAdiEnt?! " yeah...

--- Art itself ---
Time taken about 1 hour
Characters / Ocs Used: Beatrix D

Current Follow Count: 108

This animation is a continuation of:
  • Published Published July 18, 2019, 17:01
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Ⅶ. 2019 Art
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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