Original: Taho Cherry. I'M SO GLAD THIS IS DONE, Trial and error went through this entire animation, escpecially the save apocolypse that happened mid-way lol. Anyways, here is the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NEln4ZcztU and, this animation features @Ashflame, @Kailey_Kat, @The_Creator, @BCManimator, @uwrvz_uwu, @Sushi, @Awkward__Artist, @Anadroj-B-J, and @Paranormal_Chaos. Sorry if your not in it, I kinda forgot who was to be in it, I'm sorry unu. But yes! #theolocausto It seems like from the time I made this to now that it sped up a lot so sorry about that :,)