About how Nik´s mask work´s


Yep, I think it´s time that we talk about Nik´s mask.....Oh, here it is okay so....ah yes! Let´s see here....okay so Nik´s mask work´s in many different ways first off his mask doesn´t need to be wrapped on it just sticks on because it´s attracted to Karma
(You know the energy that my race gives off.) anywho...oh right that um... Nik´s mask does help him breathe since he can´t normal air like normal people (Yeah F**K you too.) which explains why he wears it...Oh! Plus his mask can be broken but it puts itself back together again (As many times as I´ve shattered it I´m surprised that it can put itself together.) now why Nik wears it...well whenever Nik breathes in normal air his body can´t get the oxygen so it finds it´s own way to get the oxygen which cause´es Nik to cough up a black acid-like liquid that melts almost everything...well only that it doesn´t affect Anna more on that later...although Nik can breathe in areas that have heaters and AC´s (That´s only because he wants the mask off at certain times.) anywho let´s start on who made mask and then I´ll get out your hair The person who made Nik´s mask is...Drumroll, please so the person who made Nik´s mask is.........HIS FATHER..... (what?) well I guess that´s it.....what are you looking at for? Oh god, I drew this bad!

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nooooo plz don't eat meh