i know its hard
i know that they make it worse
but please stay for us
it will get better, i know it doesnt seem like it now, but we have to hope. hope is the thing that fuels us.
and i love you. all of you. losing any of you, it would hurt so much
i dont think any of us could take that
please, talk to one of us. i know im not the best at helping, but i care about you so much. i dont always know what to say, but i love you all
this existence without you, without any of you
its unbearable. it hurts to think about that
i love all of you
please, for us, stay safe. the bad stuff now, we can make it go away. i cant promise you when, but i can promise you itll be over but please, not that way.
i love you
have hope, for us