Smol Alex care guide or note


Hello there! I am Alex/Alexander Some ppl call me Ness or Nessi I'd like to raise awareness to something because latley I havent been feeli g to well and sometimes people forget that not everyone is tough and can take beeing yelled at or beeing rude to Here's a little note on how my brain works, I am the son of a sociopath and a psychopath. Now usually with only a few of these genes sod be ok and essayer to curb but. Yeah its basically somthing that runs through all sides of my family and is very repetitive so I picked up on a lot of bad habits and its harder for me to experience emotions the same way as most of you could. Although it is not really autian pls dont identify me as autistic. There's nothing wrong with being autistic don't discriminate here I just have bad memories with the word. In summery my brain is built differently than yours For example in order for me to grow and learn properly as a human, I need to have somebody who could enable me to feel the full set of human emotion: usually the number of people in the life of sombody like me that has that power is get little. Usually two. This also explains why I am so clingy,, right now sadly I have only 1 left person who i am able to feel the full set of emotions with and that is my best friend and I appreciate him a lot because he is very caring and kind at heart even if he does act like a cold hotpocket. Also he's an amazing artist go follow him. the other person who enabled me is dead so dont ask where she is I just told you Because i try really hard for you guys not to act like my bio father i force myself to feel to a exaturated extent rather than making myself empty wich is a sociopathic tendancy. Please try to understand that it takes me more time to process and understand what im feeling and thinking so if I respond right awAy in a heated argument or heavy convorsation i might say smth I don't want to say/the exact opposite of what i want to say. Thanks for reading this -your soft canadien bean, Alex

  • Published June 15, 2020, 19:47
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is continuable by others
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