Voice Auditions Casting Call


Characters: Sinnsyk; Male, feminine voice, villain(but the protag) (a lot of lines) Ghinna; Female, calm, normal voice, side character (dies later on) ( medium amount of lines) [CLAIMED] Kevik; Male, quiet, deepish voice, side character (dies near end) ( a lot of lines) Fierre; Male, deep voice, calm, that one side kick ( lives) ( well a lot of lines?) Feena; Female, calm, rich voice, side character (small lines) Guard 1; Male, grumbly, (5 lines) Guard 2; Female, sassy (8 kines) Dagoor; Female, snarky, sidekick, ( medium lines) Cain; Male, haughty, soldier, ( few lines) Dien; Male, harsh, soldier(high status) (medium lines) (OTHER CHARACTERS ARE A W.I.P)

  • Published February 28, 2019, 11:17
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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