drawn celebration drawing lol


SO im finally done with another draw the squad, bc i have no original ideas whatsoever: https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/c0ca0ffe-954f-4200-8cd6-1e60d0318ad5/dc6rpaj-abd67b40-d76d-4ffa-ae82-25de07efe9c6.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_724,q_80,strp/draw_the_squad_meme__by_bluepixelart21_dc6rpaj-fullview.jpg this took me like a week lmao, plus i added a few things so i could squeeze in more people. lol im sorry if you guys dont like the position you're in lmfao. also, if you dont have a human-looking oc, you probably look kind of weird in the drawing XD aand im celebrating four months on drawn, over 2000 likes, all of my 82 followers, all those TROphies, and getting sushi!!!! i hope you all can find yourselves! i wanted to add a few more people, but theres not a ton of room, and im so sorry if you aren't in here! these are a few of the really big supporters and friends of mine on here, and i want to thank all of you so much for everything that you do for me! my doods included in the picture: @rotormoil @anonymoustiger5 @heyx5<3 @small_radishes @twixlovez @big-fish @gullyf @babyblue @wolfhats @skykittydraws @cagedraven @xeclipse @flare-aamon @bluberrysans2 @fermi @peteypop @randomgirl4 @buffeddoggo!! (and i really wanted to add @_fishiefries_ but i didnt know how to draw you, and i couldnt find a place or pose to add you!! ;w; im sorry!!) <3<3 the shadows on my face are w e i r d... and big-fish's colors are also wack,,, i dunno a bunch of things on here are off, but i tRIED okay lol enjoy ig, i love you all, and thank you again!!!!!

  • Published February 26, 2019, 19:11
  • in Still Waters
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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