meet Rangle.


My stick-based OC! With a somewhat dim behaviour (Similar to a lurcher), capable of speech, and incredible speed (approx 45 mph) Unlike Lurchers, Rangle doesn't have acidic barbs, but instead, can rapidly stretch his limbs (particularly his arms and torso) to several meters longer. if he stretches his limbs, his other limb, will shrink (and vis versa) this goes for the torso as-well, but instead on one arm, its both. Rangle has no hands, nor fingers, instead a lurcher-like claw adornes each arm, of which can impale a victim. Basic Stats Speed : 45 mph Attack Damage : 20 Hitpoints (reg attack) Special attack : 75% to insta kill (when in range) Intelligence: Limited Known allies: None.

  • Published November 21, 2019, 14:22
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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