part eight: Engineering room


As John and Ryan headed to football practice, Green was sitting in a part of the engineering lab that was not currently being used. They were reading something for school, as they had nothing better to do. They were waiting as Orange, their best friend was making his robot, along with Blue and Chargy. Green sat here, to provide any fanciful or whimsical advice. Really, they were bored. They did not understand engineering at all. Fashion, they understood, but numbers were the worst. It was a wonder that Orange was their best friend, with his obsession with numbers. Green would be here after school for only about a week, until auditions for the next play started. Until then, they were stuck here.One thing though, that could be nice, was they did get time to do their homework. And, chargy and Blue were nice. Green only wished they could do more. They stood up, put their book down, and did some jumping jacks, waiting forsomething to happen.
"Green!" said Blue, calling over
"Yeah?" said Green, going to see what she needed
"So, we're going to add colors to this, but i need to know whatcolors go together best. Any ideas?" said Blue
"Well, it's for the robot, right?" asked Green
"It's an android!" said Orange
"Like the phone?" asked Green
"NO! like an android!" said Orange, "now, what colors should we use?"
"Orange and pink?" said Green
"No, it has to be darker colors," said Chargy, jumping down from the stool he had been on
"Black and really dark grey?" said Green
"Really? Just go back to what you were doing," said Blue
"Which was nothing. but okay," said Green
then, their phone buzzed. They opened it to see a text from thier sister.
"Hey, so fro some reason, my sister is on her way to pick me up. Blue, be warned, and please don't argue with her," said Green
"I won't try," said Blue
"no fighting," sadi Orange "also, you promised you would watch that movie with me,"
"I know. I told red I was doing that. She did say it was an emergency," said Green
"knowing her, it's probably nothing," sadi Blue
"Hey, be nice," said Chargy.
"FIne," said Blue s there was a knock on the door.
"green went to go and open it.

  • Published Published March 01, 2020, 10:56
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Gefigem
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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